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Recognition at work to make your employees more motivated

Recognition at work to make your employees more motivated

You are a manager and since the Coronavirus epidemic began your team has done an excellent job. You want to consider the efforts expended at their fair value, whether in telework or in the field, but you don't know how to do that? Know first of all that there's no need for great gestures to express your gratitude to your staff. A little thank you card, a free text, congratulations before a client, a lunch from time to time, or even a bonus or raise are enough. Executives greatly value these programs and urge them to participate in the company's growth once more. In our post, boss, discover how your acknowledgement with your team will materialize.

What are employee recognitions?

In the same way that good academic results were appreciated by grades when young, the good work of employees often has to be remembered in companies. Since good points are not distributed in businesses, appreciation at work includes valuing the work done and the boss or supervisor's thank you.
The Larousse dictionary defines recognition as a feeling that incites one to consider oneself indebted to the person from whom one has received a benefit. Applied at work, it allows the manager to let his team know that it is worth highlighting the efforts made throughout the year, over the quarter or toward a specific objective.

When to acknowledge an employee's good work?

There are two moments in an executive's work cycle in which the manager may be required to congratulate and acknowledge the work a member of his team is doing:
  • The investment provided: the employee worked on a project and, irrespective of the results received, did not calculate their efforts to execute it.
  • Performance achieved: The work carried out has borne fruit. It has met the anticipated results. It's time for the manager to make his recognition at work materialise.

What are the different forms of recognition for profession?

Why do you tell an employee when you're a boss that you're proud of your work? By what means can it materialise? There are many ways for your team to express their gratitude. Here are just a few examples:

The little touches: send a thank you email, offer a coffee or lunch, arrange a meeting with other company employees to highlight the team's work.

Rituals: allow the members of your team to ease their job as a reward for the successful results obtained, for example by agreeing to leave early on Friday. Or, by inviting them to lunch once a month, formalize a monthly "meeting," you will surely be able to obtain a small budget from your supervisor for this occasion, and thus be able to draw up an expense report.

Personal investment: you would be highly valued to spend time one-on-one with each member of your team: lunch, coffee, after-work or video conference ...

Third-party promotion: Promote your team with the company's hierarchy, but also with other teams. Externally, make sure your best strengths are known by your colleagues, for example by inviting an employee who has especially helped in this file to a customer meeting with you, and by promoting it to your touch.

Reward in kind: by offering rewards, some companies formalize recognition at work. It could be a certificate, a month title employee, a nice restaurant offered, or a hotel weekend.

The financial reward: as a manager, you can also offer a bonus to match your recognition, or increase your team members. Beware that the members of your management validate this advantage in advance before proposing it.

Our advice: get to know your team members. Some will prefer discrete gestures, others more recognition by the general public.

Which are the advantages of at-work recognition?

Gratitude, acknowledgement, what are the benefits of business? Why not deprive yourself of this when your team performs work of quality? For just a few reasons:

Well-being: Workers who are consistently praised and respected by their boss when they do a good job feel better at their work and can handle their stress. Therefore, professional recognition has a role to play in burnout prevention. A little kindness at work will do no good to anyone, on the contrary, you have to receive anything.

Commitment: Employees are happier and more dedicated to the company and its managers, especially raising turnover. Materializing his appreciation, a source of inspiration, will only inspire the team for the next tasks.

Productivity: more workers involved are more productive and perform better.
Motivation: workplace recognition is a way to boost team members' motivation.

There can be a sincere recognition when no-one is a witness. You don't need a major ceremony to give thanks at work. In reality, a simple thank you can have a huge impact on your employees: the feeling of being respected and acknowledged within the company.
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