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How to shape your influence?


You also held executive roles at the same organization for many years. Your expertise and know-how are known and respected by all. But you're struggling to get the budgets you need, you can't attract talent and you don't get the best records. What if it was just influential power? What if this little extra string to your bow finally let you develop yourself fully at work? We will reveal the 6 basic keys you need to grow your influence in business.

Distinguish the influence and manipulation of

You are brandishing your pristine ethics to explain your complete lack of control within your business? Know that the power of persuasion is entirely ethical unless it is confused with coercion.

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How do I distinguish between the two types of action?

Influence is based on an objective, rational and ethical approach: obviously your goal is to direct a person towards a specific decision, whatever you choose. Yet it's not your intention to trick them. Your objective: that the employee take, in a deliberate and conscious way, the direction which you wish to privilege. Consequently, the power of control is exercised if the individual chooses in an educated and responsible manner, by giving his support to the orientation you give him.

By comparison, manipulation, which is described as "the practice of directing someone's behavior in the direction one wants without being conscious of it," is based on a relationship of dominance and dependency, or even a false connection. The person being monitored does not want action-whether it is a decision or a practical action.
Thus, the modes of practice, the mechanisms and the ethical aspect fully vary between a actions based on coercion and another based on the power of control.
For it to be exercised, the power of control requires especially intrinsic qualities as well as good interpersonal skills.

Influencing strength and legitimacy

Legitimacy is an important factor for a manager to be able to exercise control on his professional entourage. It's acquired through the Knowledge, Expertise and Skills series. It therefore comes from experience, know-how and interpersonal skills which allow it to develop its authority within the organization, both with its members of the team and with the management.
Based on your strengths and skill the strength of control varies. Yet nothing is taken for granted in this Book. A new background or new employees can come up to challenge your legitimacy. And care must be taken to preserve it.
Continue to enrich your experiences, acquire new skills-whether it is technological skills or management skills-and improve your knowledge.

Confidence and the power to influence

The trust you build in your entire professional community born from the study. It is initially inspired by self-confidence, and is building up as relationships develop. When you have always made the right decisions, respected your obligations, fulfilled your duties and communicated simply, honestly and transparently, you have laid the groundwork for a trust relationship. This confidence, however, is a necessary condition for exercising the power of influence that is based on exchange and dialogue.
Confidence is also one of the main management factors. When you are a good boss, the power of control can be exercised much better.

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Charisma and leadership to exert influence

In terms of stance, it will inevitably have an effect on the power to control acting and being viewed as a leading boss. The ability to encourage, convince and empower those around you shows and strengthens the persuasive abilities. Therefore charisma and leadership are postures to be learned when one wishes to expand one 's influence in the organization.
You will improve your leadership if you have a natural charisma by relying on emotional intelligence.
As the power of control is a matter of conversation, debate and collaboration, it is up to you to improve your interpretation, listening , empathy and comprehension skills through the adoption of benevolent management. You will therefore be able to remove brakes, reluctance or concerns that will allow your interlocutor to make a decision that is geared in the direction you want.
For example , if you decide to convince an employee to take on a new role within your team, provide them with salary details, remind them of their ability, give them training if appropriate, plan the transfer before taking the job.

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Master the art of communication to build your influence

Learn to choose the right words, to adopt the right tone in terms of verbal communication. Seek to focus on your storytelling to better articulate your argument: if you immerse your interlocutor in your thought process, he will only stick to your arguments. Finally, learn to reformulate your thoughts and your interlocutor's to make sure you understand the message.
Gesticks will be a determining factor in your ability to convince in non-verbal communication. Frank eyes, open stance welcoming dialogue, hand movements supporting reasoning: all of these signals help create confidence. Learn how to master this nonverbal communication, practice it as much as possible: you'll feel the results quickly.

Network: Influence lever

At the end, without a network, there is no salvation. This network is enough inside the company as well as outside to prove your power of influence. When the interlocutor you are attempting to persuade is known, you already have an asset: despite your gained professional reputation, this individual would continue to listen to you.
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