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How do you know if he really likes me? Don't mix up the signals

How do you know if he really likes me? Don't mix up the signals

I think this is one of the most common questions that many people ask themselves, not just loud or upsetting to ask their friends; how do you know if you like me? , is one of Google's most popular search results.

But why do we have to ask this question aloud to ourselves, to our friends and finally to Google, why are we obsessed with finding the answer, I say, if ultimately what we want to hear is yes , I think we should better grab a daisy and do the old "you like it," "you don't like it" ritual with every petal you remove from the popular flower.

In this relationship, when one is in love or in the process, things are very complicated and things are no longer so rational; we tend to look for big meanings in small acts that mean nothing, so that we become fascinated with interpreting what a greeting implies, what that person means by "see you later," and then finding a rational yet constructive response to that interaction as a result.

It's weird, but when we get obsessed with knowing whether anyone likes us, we tend to overinterpret every expression, every word, every greeting and every action; while our rational part tortures us by saying that this is nothing, but the sensation of feeling that feeling makes us think that there is hope.

When we meet someone who is going through a strange process, it turns out that when we meet someone important it is not that life gives us advance notice, it just happens. While I couldn't say love is happening at first sight, studies have been conducted that claim attraction to a person occurs in the first 8.2 seconds we see a person.

The first love step arises from attraction.

There are also other factors like treatment, meeting someone and getting attached, I mean, it could be that you love someone for the first 10 seconds you are with that person; but you need interaction for the rest to be triggered.

It is in this contact where we can struggle with the signals and make mistakes, assuming that this person likes us a lot or that we may have something important about him. Yet sometimes it is also hard to be rational when we like someone to distinguish between our friendliness and flirting; the particular person should only be kind to us out of love, and through mistakes, feelings or delusions we may confuse the kindness with something else, it could make us have a hard time.

I've seen a lot of cases lately, many of the letters, comments and inquiries that come to me are in this uncertainty, one that usually happens, particularly in people who have spent a long time with no relationship. The uncertainty, the delusion, the urge to have something perfect, something genuine in them, makes them hurry and let their emotions intensify and overwhelm with the first person who can fit in with what they think is an ideal person for them.

I see that a lot of people who fall in love with the entire heart of someone they thought could be the right one or the right one when they're just a person who meets some of the characteristics they 're looking for.

So I'm emphatic, searching in the other person for stronger keys to attraction than plain courtesy and kindness. Looking for the difference can seem complicated, but when you pay attention critically, you can see when someone is kind, because that's the way they are and when someone flirts or flirts with you.

Don't mix the signs up

Learning to distinguish flirtation from cordiality, remember to be kind and respectful or respectful is treating others warmly, politely and paying attention to what the other person wants, smiling and interacting in a conversation. That is heartfelt.

You don't spend yourself wondering when someone wants you, when someone likes you: How do you know if they like you? And it's clear, you know they 're paying a lot of attention to you, they 're still trying to talk to you, they 're trying to touch your body, looking at you in a specific way.

You know, when someone likes you, you don't need to ask yourself, it's obvious, like seeing a tree, a dog running. You don't have to do any tests or pay much attention when someone likes you, that person is with you all the time.

Just think about how you act with the person you like, believe me the other person can see that even a kilometer away and when someone knows they like you, if they're reciprocal they 're going to do something, there's no science anymore. ACTIONS SAY IT ALL.

But the good news is that you don't like the same person, but you can win him, so my advice is, don't be discouraged, if someone doesn't like you the way you want, you can do something to change him, you can do everything a strategy of conquest and flirting to make the other person fall in love with you for your actions, your way of thinking and your personality.

What, that at first sight you don't like, maybe in this case it's a second, fourth or sixth sight of love, in which your way of being makes the other person begin to feel something for you.
So don't give up, if you don't like someone, then you can do something to change that.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and accept what comes

Nevertheless I reiterate, mixing signs of kindness with flirting is a very dangerous thing, being in love can make the dividing line very thin.

Keys to know if he likes you

The golden rule is that when someone likes you it's obvious, irrespective of whether they're shy, nervous or scared, the body usually betrays people, they get red, nervous; but they're given away by the body and its body language. Remember the actions of a person are apparent and if they like you they tell you.

Yet there are other small things to look out for

  • He just wants to converse with you
  • Smile at you always, if there is no reason
  • He always watches you with his eyes when you go outside, or stares at you
  • Her body tends to lean towards yourselves
  • Have contact with you, that is to say, touch your neck, shoulders or legs
  • It's turning red
  • Is attentive and gracious
  • Seeks to think about something with you
  • Look at your mouth or your eyes while he is talking to you
  • Another great sign is the reactions of their friends, who know that they like you if they look at you in a special way
  • It seems as if the places they frequent are by magic
  • Dress up sexy while they are out
  • He still wants to speak to you if he is not in person, WhatsApp or Facebook will send you messages
  • If he has spent more than two hours talking with you

Signs that are nothing

  • Only because I'm asking for your name or what does not mean I'm in love with you
  • Who likes your photographs or makes a comment means nothing
  • Even when he approaches you with a greeting, he smiles at you, it is nothing
  • Occasional book or movie chat doesn't mean anything
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