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Five ways technology simplifies your life

Five ways technology simplifies your life

There are countless lists of technological advances in human history, from the invention of the wheel through the industrial revolution and to the present day technology is intended to make life easier for us.

Despite these advancements, many people are afraid of him as they fear that they will end human work or are almost sure that they are to blame for spreading the coronavirus; but, thanks to this evolution of technologies we have advantages such as the internet, vaccinations and communication that make life simpler and healthier.

Without these advances everything would be much more prevalent, from deadly illness to identity theft. So that's why I've compiled a list of the most tangible everyday examples of how our lives are better.

1. Healthy treatment

Fortunately , technology and health go hand in hand with the emergence of the covid-19, so much so that we can appreciate it. It took no more than two months to get the test to confirm if a person was ill, and to get the virus genome that allowed them to be identified and to start working on a vaccine!

Modern medicine is so important that one exercise is as follows: "Have you ever wondered how long you would live if you were born in the Middle Ages? Just remember when you first took antibiotics. " 

Health technology has gone so far that you can now purchase clothing that alerts doctors to a condition like a heart attack, high blood pressure and an epileptic fit. Therefore patients can report remotely and be treated as quickly as possible.

2. Secure online payments

Everyone has heard that identity theft and cybercrime are increasing, but internet users have many ways to protect themselves. Electronic wallets, for example , allow users to store data from their cards which can only be accessed through biometric data.

Thus users may make payments from their phone or online, validating the process through their fingerprint or facial recognition. Other methods of protecting data on payments include the use of third-party services responsible for validating information.

Furthermore, avoiding the use of cash may be critical at this time because, according to the research reported by the Southern Medical Journal, 80% of the daily use money contains microorganisms that may be harmful to people with a weakened immune system.

In these cases, prevention is better and, fortunately, anyone requiring a product or service charge can do so with a paid link, without the need for a website, a special device or something similar. That 's important too: "democratizing solutions for anyone."

3. Food Shopping online

Before it was seen as an extra convenience, but the idea of buying your pantry, food or groceries at the door of your house became more and more popular due to the technique of social distancing, and it stopped being just busy people with no time to go to the store.

Parking lots are, from a security point of view, one of the most common places for car theft, or what's inside. So the fact that you don't have to go out, besides safety, you help not pollute.

It is true that many of these solutions are not yet entirely accurate because they do not understand how you like each one's fruits , vegetables or maturing point, work is being done to make this less and less of a factor that prevents buying and therefore people are required to use logic and directly ask the buyer.

4. Resources available to all

Platforms such as YouTube and Facebook allow almost everyone to produce content for others to hear what they've got to say, and getting an opinion will go further and help you to build a community of people like you.

But not only this, the arrival of new technology makes it ever cheaper and easier to get things that were previously thought unthinkable, like a camera, recorder, telephone, calculator, computer and everything that smartphones have. Same case for drones, banking terminals, gps and more.

Finally, and not to leave out anything very important, information is now within a touch, and everyone can learn about subjects that were previously required to go to a library, check for specific books, spend on them or study at a very important school. Just one click is enough to get to know, study and delve into any subject you 're interested in.

5. Internet jobs

When creativity is the most important thing, you don't need to physically adhere to an entry or exit schedule, appear at the offices or live in the same city where the company you're located for is located. You offer your services.

Technology brought with it the opportunity to work remotely and throw away the distance barriers to give value only to what you are contributing with your mind every day. This helps you to feel more successful, to work for goals and to have measurable results than in a career.

In addition to all this, remote work entails reducing your carbon footprint, saving money on gasoline and a lower risk of a car accident. And now you can reduce your hassles, improve your efficiency, and work comfortably in your pyjamas or your favorite pair of jeans, instead of walking through rush hour traffic and getting stressed out to the office.

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